Programs and Services

Scholars in Residence

We will send a lecturer for a short period of time on a lecture tour. The tour could include meetings with students, youth movements, media, Zionist organizations, Jewish organizations, "chugei Aliyah", schools, etc. The lecturer's specialty will be decided by you.

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Zionist Caravan

The caravan, intended for isolated communities, will include a van carrying a team consisting of a lecturer, singer, driver and technical person, exhibition material including films and written hand-outs. In every community there will be one major event and additional meetings with students, youth movements, etc. The caravan will last 10 - 14 days. The Department will make every effort to cover the costs while the Federation would be responsible for organization, coordination and publicity.

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Jerusalem Prize

The Department recommends that each Federation award a "Jerusalem Prize" to an outstanding personality in the Jewish community or the general community who supports Israel, Jerusalem and the Zionist Movement. The award ceremony can be part of a "Jerusalem Day" celebration for the community, media, etc. The Department will send each Federation that has such an event an appropriate award, with a special dedication by the Federation and the Department.

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Seminar on Zionist subjects

The Department will send a lecturer to every Federation that sponsors a seminar on subjects such as: rewriting the constitution of the World Zionist Organization; the "Jerusalem Program", discussions on articles from The Zionist Imperative; development of young leadership etc.

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Jewish Holidays and Israeli Art and Culture

The organization of Israeli cultural activities to strengthen the connection between the community and Israel in areas such as: Israeli films; literature; music; food; Art exhibits etc. The Department will send suitable lecturers, help in finding other sponsors and films as well as other required materials to ensure the success of the program.

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Solidarity Missions

The Department will help all Federations who organize Solidarity Missions to Israel with all the logistics in Israel - preparation of the itinerary in coordination with the organizer, hotel reservations, internal travel etc. The Department will weigh the possibility of additional subsidies for each participant, according to its available budget.

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Volunteer Work in Israel

The department will help the Federations integrate into volunteer projects organized by the Jewish Agency while keeping in close touch with the volunteer.

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Hebrew - Our Common Language

The department will help the Federation that sponsors a "Hebrew Club" for Hebrew Speakers who are interested in using the language on a regular basis and improving their Hebrew skills. The department will help by sending suitable materials for activities as well as incorporating suitable local lecturers.

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Marking Events from the "Zionist Calendar"

The department recommends to every Federation to choose a number of dates connected with the Zionist Calendar and have a community event to commemorate this day. The department will help in planning and executing these events.

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Ofakim: New Horizons in Zionist Leadership

The goal of "Ofakim" is to develop a program that will recruit existing or potential activists, aged 30-45, and involve them in a process that will give them information, tools, experience, and motivation to move into leadership roles in their local Zionist Federation or in the general Community.

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The Department periodically produces publications and kits on topics relevant to the Zionist Agenda.

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Partnership 2000

Partnership 2000, a program to twin Diaspora and Israeli communities, is the catalyst for a wide spectrum of volunteering, economic links, and, most important, direct people-to-people links that strengthen and animate the unity of Jewish peoplehood, centered around the State of Israel. . The Department for Zionist Activities has concluded an agreement with the Israel Department of JAFI that will enable Zionist Federations in Europe and South America to become catalysts and leading participants in new partnerships.

For more about Partnership 2000 -

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